See why Shipping Solutions® is the #1 selling export documentation and compliance software.
Shipping Solutions® makes completing export forms simple, accurate and five-times faster than the tedious way you’re doing it now.
Streamlined Documents
With a single input of information, our export documentation software takes the reins, placing your data seamlessly on the right forms. The result? Time saved, errors eliminated, paving the way for smooth shipments and faster payment.
Built-in Compliance
Conduct restricted party screening, determine if an export license is needed and identify required export documents. With our Export Compliance Module, you'll avoid fines and penalties and gain peace of mind.
Easy AES Filing
Stop paying a third party to file on your behalf. With Shipping Solutions, you can file your electronic export information through AES with a simple click of a button. No more redundant data entry. It’s that easy.
Create export forms 5x faster than your current method.

Stay compliant with current U.S. export regulations.
Shipping Solutions’ Export Compliance Module includes three tools for avoiding fines and other penalties that could cost you—and your company—dearly.
Restricted Party Screening: The U.S. government publishes dozens of lists of individuals and organizations with whom you can’t do business. A click of a button checks all the parties in your export transactions against all these lists and tells you if there are any matches.
Export License Determination: Before you ship your goods, you need to determine whether or not you must first get an export license. Selecting this compliance option checks the destination of your shipment and your products’ classification under ITAR’s U.S. Munitions List or the EAR’s Commerce Control List and warns you if a license is required or a license exception may be available.
Document Determination: Make sure you understand what documents you need to create and include with your shipment based on Customs regulations in the U.S. and the destination country.

File through the Automated Export System (AES) easy breezy.
Stop wasting time going to the AESDirect website and retyping all your export shipment information! With Shipping Solutions, you can simply click a button to submit your export information to AES without any redundant data entry.
If you’re paying a third party like your freight forwarder to file on your behalf, you’re probably paying between $50 and $125 per shipment. Shipping Solutions makes it easy to file yourself by prompting you to enter all the required information before you submit it to AES.
Remember, the U.S. Foreign Trade Regulations make you liable for the accuracy of the information that gets filed through AES even if you are paying a third party to file on your behalf. The best way to make sure accurate information gets filed is to do it yourself, and Shipping Solutions makes it easy!

Get real live support from friendly Minnesotans. You betcha!
Our export software is simple to use, but if you ever need help, we don't hide behind call centers or tricky software interfaces. You can just call us at 651-905-1727 or email We're happy to help!

Join more than 3,000 successful exporters.
They've all used Shipping Solutions to create their export forms.

Request a demo of Shipping Solutions' export documentation software now.
With Shipping Solutions export documentation software you can...
Produce dozens of export forms quickly and accurately without hassle.
File your electronic export information through AESDirect on the ACE portal.
Screen your shipments against current export regulations to avoid fines and other penalties.
Send your shipping information to UPS WorldShip or FedEx Ship Manager software for your parcel shipments.
Our customers say some pretty nice things about us.
Shipping Solutions has been the best thing to happen to our exporting program. We are able to store unique customer data in a uniform way. No more trying to remember how to fill out every carrier’s forms. No more entering and reentering information into multiple locations. Enter it once and be done.
Carol L. Wilson
I just love this program! It makes my job fast and efficient. Customers and freight forwarders love my paperwork.
Ana Zax
Diamon-Fusion International
The compliance section of Shipping Solution is exceptional in recognizing when you require an export license.
Terry Sipala
Restricted party screening and filing through AES are my two favorite Shipping Solutions features!
Carol Bubbico
Cornelis Networks
I have about 272 team members using Shipping Solutions, mostly in the U.S., but also at a plant in Mexico, [and I] have visualization of every shipment that goes out of every location… The system is very easy to use. Our employees love using it. It makes life a lot easier for a lot of us.
Sandy Schultz
Shipping Solutions has been the best thing to happen to our exporting program. We are able to store unique customer data in a uniform way. No more trying to remember how to fill out every carrier’s forms. No more entering and reentering information into multiple locations. Enter it once and be done.
Carol L. Wilson
I just love this program! It makes my job fast and efficient. Customers and freight forwarders love my paperwork.
Ana Zax
Diamon-Fusion International
The compliance section of Shipping Solution is exceptional in recognizing when you require an export license.
Terry Sipala
Restricted party screening and filing through AES are my two favorite Shipping Solutions features!
Carol Bubbico
Cornelis Networks
I have about 272 team members using Shipping Solutions, mostly in the U.S., but also at a plant in Mexico, [and I] have visualization of every shipment that goes out of every location… The system is very easy to use. Our employees love using it. It makes life a lot easier for a lot of us.
Sandy Schultz
Shipping Solutions has been the best thing to happen to our exporting program. We are able to store unique customer data in a uniform way. No more trying to remember how to fill out every carrier’s forms. No more entering and reentering information into multiple locations. Enter it once and be done.
Carol L. Wilson